photo by Allan Koss

Jimi Hendrix: Discography, Track index, Set lists

This page provides access to several Jimi Hendrix related lists. The first two lists are a catalog of releases and a song cross-reference. The third list is a set list for live performances. Finally, I list releases and private recordings that I own.

About the Discography and Track list

Jimi discography (updated 14Aug2021)
(zipped Word 2007 format) (pdf format)

Jimi track list (updated 14Aug2021)
(zipped Word 2007 format) (pdf format)

Recent updates to above: All entries from Ben Franklin 5th Edition and up through JP118, latest UniVibes indexing info through UV 58

Jimi set list (updated 04May2019)

Jimi collection (updated 05May2019)

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